Getting Validation Errors


    Getting Validation Errors

    You can get validation errors from an EDI file using the Errors property of EDIValidator. Access the Errors property of the EDIValidator after calling the Validate method.


    Collection<EDIError>errors = validator.Errors;

    foreach (EDIError error in errors)
       //Process or display errors here

    In addition the EDIWarning object also contains the corresponding SNIP level for the warning. This level can be accessed through the SnipLevel enum property.

    The possible SNIP levels are:

    · Integrity-Testing for valid EDI syntax for each type of transaction
    · Requirement- Testing for HIPAA specific syntax. This tests that the transaction sets adhere to the HIPAA implementation guides
    · Balance – Testing of the transaction for balanced field totals, financial balancing of claims or remittance advice and balancing of summary fields.
    · Situational – Testing of specific inter-segment situations as defined in the implementation guide, where if A occurs, then B must be populated
    · CodeSet – Testing correct use of external code sets. Tests that only valid values of external data elements are used
    · DoesNotApply – The warning does not have a corresponding SNIP level

    in EDI Validator
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