Adding A Custom Field
By default, the following fields are available; TextField, PriceField, PhoneField and UB04Date.
Custom fields can be created easily. Just derive from the FormField class and override the GetText() method.
public class MyCustomField : FormField
public MyCustomField(string name): base(name){}
public MyCustomField(string name, decimal? data, double x, doubley, double width, double height): base(name, x, y, width, height){
this.Data = data;
public MyCustomField(string name, decimal? data, double x, doubley, double width, double height, StringAlignment ha): base(name, x, y, width, height, ha){
this.Data = data;
public MyCustomField(string name, decimal? data, double x, doubley, double width, double height, StringAlignment ha, StringAlignmentva): base(name, x, y, width, height,ha, va){
this.Data = data;
public decimal? Data {
public override string GetText(){
if (Data != null && Data.HasValue){
return Data.Value.ToString(“F2”);
return null;
To add your custom field to UB04Form just add it to the Cells collection when the BeforePrint event is raised.
void ub04Form_BeforePrint(object sender, FormEventArgs e) {
MyCustomField customField = new MyCustomField (“myID”, 112.22, 1, 1, 4, 1);
//e.Cells has all fields that will e send to printer.
e.Cells.Add(customField );
in UB – 04 Form