Article: Setting Output File Name


Setting Output File Name

By default the output file name created used the following format: <OriginalFileName><file number><extension>. For example, if two files are generated as the result of the splitting a file named “EDIData”, the following two files will be created in the output directory:

· EDIData1.txt
· EDIData2.txt

The format of the output file name can be changed by setting the OutputFilenameFormat and the OutputFilename property.


EDIFileSplitter ediFileSplitter = new EDIFileSplitter();
// Split the file at the header level (ST segment)
ediFileSplitter.FileSplitLevel = FileSplitLevel.HEADER;
// Place 2 ST headers per file
ediFileSplitter.NumberOfHeadersPerFile = 2;
ediFileSplitter.OutputFilename = “Test”;
ediFileSplitter.OutputFilenameFormat = “{0}_{1}{2}”;
ediFileSplitter.Split(“EDIData”, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

The output file name will now be Test_1.txt.

The GeneratePseudoRandomNumberInFilename property will generate a unique number for each split file. The unique number is total milliseconds since the last epoch, January 1, 1970.

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